
By Carmen Recavarren
投稿日 2016/10/19

ホステル - ホステルでぐっすり眠る


1. 個室(またはそれに近い部屋)に泊まる

Going private is less expensive than you might think, particularly if you choose a less central hostel or club together with friends to get a mid-size en-suite room. Basically, if sleep really matters to you don’t just plump for the cheapest dorm bed on offer - weigh up your finances and the hostel’s rates and see what you can realistically afford.個室を利用すると騒音や照明などをコントロールすることができます。しかし、防音壁を備えたホステルでない限り、部屋の外の音は聞こえるでしょう。

2. Tool up

What do you do when you’re trying to get some kip on an overnight flight? You grab the amenity kit and break out the earplugs and eye-mask. Do the same in the dorm. If you know you’re a crazy light sleeper and you can’t afford private rooms, invest in some good reusable earplugs before you hit the road - it’ll be much less hassle than constantly re-upping on disposable foam or silicone plugs. As for eye-masks, you kept the one from the flight, obviously…

3. Get a good routine

‘Routine’ sounds like the kiss of death for a backpacking trip. But we’re not talking about every single night - just the ones where you aren’t out partying and you want to catch up on your kip. Take a shower before you turn in; make yourself a cup of herbal tea or hot chocolate (no caffeine, obvs); read quietly for an hour. Whatever works.

4. 過ごしやすい空間を作る


5. 説得的になる
