
AKIH Pods Hostel

ホステル - 2.42 km from city center
About the place
We are a boutique hostel situated in the beautiful town of Santa Teresa, Puntarenas. Our location is Show more
Social and fun

We provide Yoga Classes for everybody. The beginner class series introduces the history of yoga, fundamental principles of alignment, and breathwork. Students will be introduced to yoga postures through step-by-step verbal description and demonstration.

Available Rooms
Just a 7-minute walk to the beach, you can book local surf lessons or rent a surfboard. ATVs are ver Show more

Address: 50 meters south of Super Costa and 75 meters East, 60111, サンタ・テレサ, コスタリカ
Check-in details
12:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Check-out details
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
レイトチェックアウト 時まで: 1:00 PM - 3.00 USD


Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 14
Important information

We are happy to assist you to discover the hidden gems of Santa Teresa and its surroundings. We organize day trips to:
- Montezuma waterfalls and its amazing trekking trails.
- Snorkeling excursions and day trips to Turtle Island.
- Bio-luminescence tours on a kayak at sunset.
- Backhorse riding on the beach.
- Zipline Canopy Tours to see Cabo Blanco's Natural Reserve from the top of the trees.
You can rely on us to turn your vacation in a one-in-a-lifetime experience.

Special age limitations to stay in a dorm for the following dates: 2025/03/05 / 2 nights: 12+
Special age limitations to stay in a private room for the following dates: 2025/03/05 / 2 nights: 12+ 0+