
By Carmen Recavarren
投稿日 2016/04/22

ホステル - 韓国式浴場
© Copyrights: Noby Leong







From here, you join the other naked people in the all male/all female bath room. Note the showers at which Koreans are all busily scrubbing themselves thoroughly with soaped up cloths. You will need to do likewise. You could get an attendant to this for you at an extra cost, but most non-Koreans stop short at that point. After washing yourself, you can sit in the various steam rooms and hot tubs of differing temperatures with other bathers. The hot sauna rooms can reach temperatures of up to 90 centigrade and the cold pools a chilly zero. In no particular order, you move from one to another until you are suitably woozy and relaxed.


Dry off and put on your pyjamas. Proceed upstairs to another section with various doors that lead into mixed-gender fomentation chambers. The archaic word to foment means to bathe in medicated waters, and that’s the gist of what happens here. You’ll move between rooms with varying temperatures, moisture levels and mineral ‘themes’ (salt and jade are both common ones). Some chambers are searingly hot, some chilly. You’re free to move from room to room as you please, so relax and take your pick.


チムジルバンはただの浴場ではなく、レストランや共用の睡眠エリア、ジム、カラオケルーム、TVエリアなどの施設を設けたリゾートです。If you pay the reasonable overnight rate, or arrive at the beginning of the day, you are under no time pressure and can do as much as you like in any sequence you like. And that’s what Koreans tend to do, so block out a whole day and/or night and join in!