
First Curaçao Hostel

ホステル - 0.52 km from city center
star_border 8.6
素晴らしい 最新のレビュー
素晴らしい 8.6
overall 8.6
staff 9.2
location 8.5
cleanliness 8.6
facilities 8.5
comfort 8.2
value 8.6
About the place
Property of the First Curacao Hostel is central located in the middle of the city centre, although t Show more
Social and fun


Available Rooms
First Curaçao Hostel property is located in Scharloo, within a 5 minutes walk to the City Center Pun Show more

Address: Scharlooweg 25, , ウィレムスタッド, キュラソー

The First Curaçao Hostel property is part of the Ritz Village. Back in the days The Ritz was an very populair icecream factory, which a lot of people from Curaçao loved. When the factory closed, the new owner of the property decided to keep the history and renovate the place, instead of taking them down

Check-in details
3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Check-out details
6:00 AM - 11:00 AM
レイトチェックアウト 時まで: 3:00 PM - 10.00 USD


Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 18
Important information
Special age limitations to stay in a dorm for the following dates: 2025/03/05 / 2 nights: 18+
Special age limitations to stay in a private room for the following dates: 2025/03/05 / 2 nights: 18+ 0+