
By Carmen Recavarren
投稿日 2016/03/29

If you’re planning to backpack your way around Argentina, you’ll be seeing a lot of buses. But if that thought conjures up long, hot and uncomfortable journeys from hostel to hostel, think again – Argentina’s buses are streets ahead of the ones you’ll find in most Asian and African destinations, and compare favourably to the ones in Europe and North America too. The country has an advanced bus network, with short- and long-distance services to all its provinces and into neighbouring countries. Sure, it might not be quite as fast as rail or air, but that just gives you more time to enjoy Argentina's remarkable natural scenery...

Comfy enough for an overnight

Many long-distance buses provide reclining seats and run during the night, which makes an overnight journey far more appealing. So instead of spending a whole day on travel, you can use the bus as a rolling hotel room – accommodation and transport in one. Bonus! On top of that, you get the pleasure of waking up to find yourself in a completely new place.


・Semi-cama: Seats should be kitted out with cushioning and with arm and leg rests, and the bus should have air conditioning, a simple toilet and basic refreshments.

・Cama-ejecutivo: The same bus facilities as semi-cama, but with bigger, comfier seats that recline further. You might get an overhead TV too.

・Cama suite: このクラスの座席はフラットに倒してご使用いただけるほか、長距離を移動する夜行バスにも最適です(料金は高額になります)。各シート間は仕切り間が設けられており、特別なエンターテイメントシステムをお楽しみいただけます。



料金はいくらくらいでしょうか?ブエノスアイレスからメンドーサ(以下参照)までの料金は、かなり快適なクラスで1,000-1,500ペソ(£50-£75)ほどです。さらに安いのは、通常ルートを走行するsemi-camaクラスになります。ファーストクラスのcama suiteは高速バスなので、料金も高くなります。Plataforma10.comはバスの時刻表と運賃を調べるのに便利なサイトです。





Iglesia San Francisco


サルタは、インカ族の歴史を展示している有名なMuseo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña(サルタ高地考古学博物館)で知られています。博物館は美しい大聖堂に隣接しています。





Viñedos de Mendoza